//NEW Science is Fun!: Floating an egg on the water

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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Floating an egg on the water


1. Two raw eggs
2. Two glass jars or any kind of transparent containers
3. Pure or fresh water
4. Some salt
5. A spoon or a mixer rod
Eggs submerged in fresh water


1. At first fill the two jars with fresh or pure water. Leave some room in the upper part of the jars so that when the eggs are put in the jar the water don’t flood from the jars.
2. Place one egg in each jar.
3. Add salt in one jar. Add one tablespoon at a time and wait a little bit to see what happens. If nothing happens then add another tablespoon of salt in that jar and wait a little again. Stir the solution occasionally by not damaging the egg.
4. Leave another jar the same as before.


1. When the two eggs are placed in the jars of pure or fresh water both of the eggs will sink down in the jar.
2. When you add salt in one of the jar containing water and an egg there’ll be a time when the egg should start floating on the water.
Egg floating on salted water


When the two eggs are placed in the jars containing fresh or pure water the eggs sinks into the jar. This happens because the eggs are much denser then the water. But when a certain amount of salt is added in one of the jars containing pure or fresh water the density of the water increases and by adding more and more salt at one point it becomes denser than the egg. That’s when the egg will began to floating on the water.


The reason why it is easier to float on the ocean is because of the explanation above. The ocean water is much denser than the fresh or pure water. That’s why everything floats on the ocean water this much easily. The dead see is the greatest example for this. The water in the dead see is very much dense. They are denser than any other ocean water in the world. That’s because the water in the dead see possess a huge amount of salt. This big deposit of salt is the main reason that the water of the dead see is so much dense. The water of dead see is so much dense that people can’t sink in that water even if they want to!


1. Use different kinds of eggs in this experiment.
2. Use different kinds of salts in the experiment.
3. Try using hard-boiled eggs instead of using raw eggs.
4. Try sugar instead of salt to see the result.

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